Transporter for HOY Syringe Dose Pigs. Contains up to six syringe dose pigs.

Syringe Dose Pig
Syringe Dose Pig in 3 mm tungsten for the safe storage of vials with radioactive content.

Large Container Box
Large container for storing and transporting syringes with radioactive content.

Large Container Box with Lead Glass
Large container box for storing and transporting syringes with radioactive content.

Shielded Syringe Tray
Stackable transport tray with removable shielding for storing and transporting syringes with radioactive content.

Syringe Transport Case
Transport case for Xofigo. Transports syringes in 3 layers.

PET Syringe Pig
Designed for working with PET/FDG isotope syringes.

Syringe Pig Carrier
For storage and transportation of syringes with radioactive content.